Energy Saving in Kangavar WWTP
Sadrab Sanat Company succeeded to win the tender of Kangavar city’s wastewater treatment plant project which was offered for tender in 2012. The company achieved the project 15billion IRRs lower than reserve price for, through presentation an alternative project in which the value of aeration with high efficiency and some modern technologies were used in clarifiers, screening unit, and grit chambers etc.
After concluding the contract, the company promptly equipped the workshop and started to execute the procurement and construction despite of all financial limitations of the project, and finally in 2018 it reached the utilization stage.
Sadrab Sanat Company succeeded to receive two valuable international certificates from European Association for Green Management (EAGM) and Energy Globe National Award from International Energy Agency (IEA) in February 2014, conferred to this company in the conference at Milad tower of Tehran by Mr. Wolfgang Neumann the Austrian environmentalist and founder of Energy Globe Foundation, due to considering and dealing with environmental concerns and making effort toward improvement of sustainable development Goals parameters and having green approaches included 35% consumption reduction of energy and cost of exploitation from strategic phase of treatment plant compared to other projects with similar capacities.
Also, Sadrab Sanat received the “Excellence Certificate” at the headquarters of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO) in Vienna, by Mr. Christoph Leitl, President of Committee of Austrian Federal Economic Chamber for the project.
Due to the fact that Sadrab Sanat has always approached all the projects to meet the main goals of Sustainable Development; in this project as well as the main theme of the project is the construction of a sewage treatment plant in Kangavar, which is one of Iran’s historic and ancient cities, much of the focus has been on the 6th objective of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG6) covering “Clean Water & Sanitation”.
In addition, (SDG 7) and (SDG 12) have also been prioritized in the project, such as a 35% reduction in energy consumption in this treatment plant, and ensuring that there is an access to ”affordable & Clean Energy”.
On the other hand, Sadrab Sanat as the contractor, presented the modification proposal on the design of the treatment process in this project for more achieving the sustainability and protecting the environment, including reducing the foot print of the plant to 75% of the initial one, less use of building materials such as a significant reduction of over 50% in the use of mild steel bars due to the implementation of Excavation Lagoons instead of the construction of Concrete Structure. Saving resources based on (SDG12) as “Responsible Consumption & Production” ensures sustainable production and consumption patterns in this project.